Error Handling

Along with data, the Claromentis REST APIs returns the usual HTTP status codes detailed in rfc-2616. This includes error codes when something doesn't go exactly to plan. Often, requests that result in an error code will also return an error message to let you know what went wrong.

As an illustrative example, here are some common HTTP status codes and their meanings.

Code Meaning
200 OK Request successful, data is returned
201 Created Returned in response to a request that creates a new object
204 No Content Request successful, but there no data to return (E.G a DELETE request)
400 Bad Request The server doesn't understand the request. For example, when a request should contain an object id but doesn't contain one
401 Unauthorised Access requires authentication, but credentials/access token are not provided or invalid
403 Forbidden access denied or no rights to perform requested action. Only received by authenticated users who try to do something they don’t have permissions for.
404 Not Found Resource not found. Can be returned for example when a client tries to get information about non-existent user
422 Unprocessable Entity The supplied data has failed validation
500 Internal Server Error An error meant the request could not be completed. Response body usually contains a more detailed error message about exactly what went wrong
501 Not Implemented This is sent when a client tries to send REST request with an invalid application name, function name or resource type